… the dream of all students and many parents who are facing the challenges of the times table.
The solution for this learning and testing torment comes from the ancient Greeks.
The old Greeks already made use of the so-called „temple sleep“ (incubatio) to solve problems and illnesses.
Explanation: Actually, in the era of the ancient Sumerians and later in that of the Egyptians and Greeks of antiquity people who had problems or health conditions or who were simply seeking the wisdom of the gods would lie down in the temples of specific gods in order to access their divine wisdom and inspirations in their sleep after having discussed their pressing problems with priests.
While the individual was sleeping, the priest (as the representative of the temple god) would then whisper the solution / divine inspiration into the sleeper’s ear. In the morning the temple-goer would wake up with the subconscious feeling of knowing the solution / having received the divine inspiration overnight.
During a person’s sleep – or the Greek term of Hypnoz (Ypnoz), derived from the Greek god Hypnos – it is easier for suggestions to circumvent the critical conscious mind and directly reach the subconscious mind.
To do so, you do not have to go to the trouble of getting hypnotized.
Everyone sleeps a minimum of 6 hours per night anyhow.
The sleep suggestion system lets you use that time to influence your subconsciousness. And that is not limited to learning the times table!
Everything that has been anchored or stored in the subconscious mind will be fulfilled in the conscious mind.
If your subconscious mind knows the 101 of the times table, it will “whisper” that knowledge to your conscious mind as well, because the subconscious mind is what you might call our operating system, which is tapped into by the conscious mind.
The “overnight (sleep) suggestion system” provided by the pep media Publishing House is the modern revised CD version of the temple sleep practiced by the ancient Greeks.
Super side effect:
The CDs containing suggestions are played at night while the user is asleep. Anyone who has ever become a victim of CDs featuring “children’s lyrics for learning the times table” can relate to that!!!
The content of „Learning while sleeping… times-tables!“ and „…multiplication tables!“ is identical. We have only covered both spelling ( SEO ) .
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